We are Twin Rivers Quilters Guild and we are a non-profit organization dedicated to the art of quilting.
Our purpose as a Guild is to promote and perpetuate the art of quilting with education and working with all persons interested in preserving and advancing this art. The guild offers workshops and instruction on quilting techniques to our members, participates in various exhibits, and sponsors a biennial quilt show. As part of our service to the community, members donate quilts to local children's organizations; lap quilts, fidget quilts, clothing protectors to nursing homes and veteran homes; and stretcher quilts to wounded active service members. The Guild regularly donates personal items to the Coastal Women's Shelter and sponsors Families in need at Christmas.
Twin Rivers Quilters Guild meets most Thursdays at Tabernacle Baptist Church, 616 Broad Street in New Bern, NC. The board meeting, open to all members, is the first Thursday at 9:30am. The business meeting is held the second Thursday of the month at 10am. The third Thursday is our Community Service Day, during which members are encouraged to work on projects dedicated to our community. The fourth Thursday is dedicated to Guild workshops. Stitch and Chat meets most Thursdays except for business meeting second Thursday. All meeting days and times are documented in the monthly Guild Newsletter and on the Website.
Click here for a membership application.
Click here to send the membership chair an email for more information.
Our email address is twinriversquilters@yahoo.com
Our Guild Meeting address is:
Tabernacle Baptist Church
616 Broad Street
New Bern, NC
2025 Quilt Show
Click picture for
more information.